Best Pressure Relief Cushions for Recliner Chairs2 Comments29 August 2018 | Eugene The use of pressure relief and pressure reduction cushions is widely accepted as an effective way to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers and bedsores, but selecting the right one for you might not be as simple as you think. While most pressure relief cushions are designed for use in a wheelchair or conventional seating surface, often an individual's favourite (and most used) seating surface is a recliner chair or rise recliner. If you're looking for a pressure care cushion for your rise recliner chair, you'll need a specially designed cushion system that will stay put and move with your chair, while preventing the forward sliding that can happen as your chair reclines – especially if you suffer from a low level of mobility. Do I Need a Pressure Relief Cushion?If you're wondering if you or a loved one requires a pressure relief or pressure reducing cushion, there are some key risk factors to look out for. In most cases some form of pressure relief cushion will be required if any of the following are true:
Why Won't a Regular Pressure Relief Cushion Work for My Rise Recliner?Pressure relief cushions are best used in wheelchairs, or chairs that are designed to provide a good level of support to the user. These chairs will allow weight to be distributed along the patient's body, as true pressure reduction can only take place by maximising the surface area in contact with the user. When a standard pressure relief or reducing cushion is placed on a rise recliner chair, it will often raise the user so that legrests, armrests, headrests and back supports lose partial or complete contact with the user, placing the entirety of their weight on their buttocks. Even with a high quality pressure relief cushion, this kind of localised pressure can be a recipe for disaster. Rise Recliner Pressure Relief CushionsWhen selecting a pressure relief cushion system for your rise recliner, you need to account for the movement of the chair, the entire surface in contact with the user, and a tendency for the user or cushion to slide forward during movement. With these things considered, there are a few features that you MUST look for when choosing your rise recliner cushion system:
With these factors considered, there are two appropriate pressure relief cushions for rise recliner chairs currently available at Ultimate Healthcare Ultra-Cline Pressure Relief Rise Recliner Cushion Set
Harvest Ultra-Thin Pressure Relief Cushion, Leg and Lumbar System
Safe and Comfortable RecliningThe two options above are quite similar in nature, and both are excellent pressure relief options for rise recliner chairs. Since these systems are specifically designed for rise recliners, they won't present the same pitfalls as standards wheelchair or chair pressure relief cushions, and can be a useful part of a larger pressure care strategy. Do you have any questions, or would you like a recommendation? Please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team at 020 7501 0592 or leave us a message in the comments section below.
I am looking for a pressure relieving seat for a recliner. Do any of yours come with a pump. Thanks
Hi Nicolas,
My apologies for the late reply.
We do stock one type of recliner pressure relief cushion that is supplied with it a pump. It's a static air cushion, and it's supplied with a pump for inflation.
This is the Repose Contur Rise Recliner Pressure Relief Overlay suitable for high risk pressure sore risks, which can be purchased using the following link:
Repose Contur Riser Recliner Pressure Relief Overlay
I hope this answers your question. Please contact us if there's anything else you'd like to know.
Kind regards,
Eugene at